Your Personhood, at risk?

The new cast of American Idol, 2018, all dye their hair, why? What is this message of appearance fakery that has become king in the market place, that we are sending to the next generation, if you are not part of the diversion, there is no place for you on television or even in the work place, or so it seems… What have we all become? Who knows…Considering selling pillows on television, better dye your hair first…I know that I’m just that annoying voice in the wilderness, but if I don’t write or say it, who will, you? In the future, genuine, will have no meaning, oh, I think we have lost it already…As your worth will be based on your hair, not the content of your performance, but the audience perception of you and your hair. In our society what is that glue that holds us together, kinship, and with that comes, sameness, of appearance, sameness of thought, sameness of personhood, we are more willing to fight for the team then for the individual, for a country, even  for an ideal, even it later proves to have splinters, kinda like, my country, right or wrong. I will be a blond head, until I die, and will never appear as the old gray head that I have become. In both short and long form, Wikipedia, has always in its presentation of so many subjects proven to have expressed it best, just as below, I call your attention to.


Personhood is the status of being a person. Defining personhood is a controversial topic in philosophy and law and is closely tied with legal and political concepts of citizenship, equality, and liberty. According to law, only a natural person or legal personality has rights, protections, privileges, responsibilities, and legal liability.

Personhood continues to be a topic of international debate and has been questioned critically during the abolition of human and nonhuman slavery, in theology, in debates about abortion and in fetal rights and/or reproductive rights, in animal rights activism, in theology and ontology, in ethical theory, and in debates about corporate personhood and the beginning of human personhood.


Now if that above does not say it all, can anyone of you explain it better? I’m waiting…