News Crawls & Banners, Time for them to die…

We humans, once we learn to read, have become hardwired to read, meaning, any text placed before our eyes begins to be read, over and over again for as long as it appears. I discovered the above this weekend while watching the CBS Weekend News, on the right side of the screen was the CBS ‘eye’ logo, but on the left side of the screen was the words, ‘CBS Weekend News’, there was no way of counting how many times those words were read, I’m now thinking, in exaggeration, millions of times, or for the life of its appearance on the screen, the reading was powered by my unconscious self. Now, here’s the rub, for every banner placed at the bottom of a screen during a televised newscast, for the most part, has already been stated verbally and understood by the viewer, is most times, redundant, or like a news crawl, an intrusion of new or old information on the same subject, just how much viewer comprehension energy is wasted at this point is anybody’s guess, in the reading of what has already been verbally expressed, or too soon be considered in the case of new storied items contained in the news crawl, the wonderment of the news broadcaster as the arbiter of the news explained is bathed in mystery, is so very often gets crowded out by foolish blundered repetition, or just too much information, both new and old presented at the same time at an ever maddening pace. For a pure undisturbed absorption of the news, print has always proven to be best, when the only distraction to contend with is the sound of one’s surroundings.

Copy Cats

I DVR all my televison programing which allows me to fast forward unpleasant segments, doing so, at times can cause DVR buildup, tonight I decided to binge view some of my recorded shows. I was attracted to The Alec Baldwin Show on ABC simply because of the authenticity of his personal appearance, however, after viewing just a few moments of five shows, I deleted them all, this practice of show business appearance fakery is beginning to wear heavily on my senses, almost to a person, all the guests, to prepare for their appearances, made sure to present themselves under a fresh coat of hair dye, even those young enough to not need much but felt a cosmetic need to do so anyway. Whenever I see a person on televison with dyed hair, it immediately calls into question, whatever they have to say is designed, like their hair dye, to cast a self-perceived favorable light on whatever opinion expressed, good, bad or indifferent, cannot be fully trusted, truth is not the master being served by their appearance. I have become increasingly leery of televison journalists and politicians, am confidently starting to hold them at least a foot away from believability because of their fraudulent presentation of themselves. Have you noticed every author on book tour, looks at least ten years younger, who purchases a book because the author looks so young? Few cares to admit that the proliferation of hair dying of recent can directly be tribute to and the commencing with the man in the White House, and to our own shallowness, as in only accepting a Frank Sinatra, James Stewart, John Wayne, or even a Burt Reynolds in their later years unless fully toupeed, and the many females in broadcast news, seen daily on television, that are completely bald. And, as we age, our hair may thin and gray, but not those of us dwelling in a ‘stone age’ cave of denial. So, stop looking for cause and effect, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in our selves”.

For Your Kind Consideration

There may be some who doubt, that are among my critics, that there are no show business elements in television news reporting, I offer the following observational assessment. One early morning financial news program has three co-anchors, a blond dye head female, a dark dye head male, and a toupeed male, to place a lid on this assessment, in the A-block, add two opening guests, a dye head male, a blond dye head female, both appear as the public representative face of two different financial institutions, spinning a Hollywood type image of their employers. If one could check back after five years, would reveal absolutely no change in any of the four public appearances, much like a Hollywood starlet after years of playing the daughter, never the aging grandmother, throughout her entire film career, now tell me that this don’t cast a show business shadowy effect on the complete studded affair, they ain’t just selling soap pods and toothpaste, they are selling institutions, the network being watched, the financial company begging for indulgence in their commodities. And now, a word from out alternative sponsor…

Queue, a dark hair dyed head sixty-nine-year-old Lionel Richie to sing, “All Night Long”…

Believe what you see or what you hear?

Late last night in reacting to a loud rumbling outside my window, I raised it to find about 20 or 30 presidential candidates marching around the bend, all hoping to embark on a successful 2020 run, surprisingly not all were Democrats, there was one thing they all seemingly had in common, however, not one appeared to have dyed their hair for the task, thinking the American people have had their full of that kinda of appearance phoneyness, not again, not this time, had enough appearance fakery to last two full life times, wanting the real thing this time around, wanting candidates who are seemingly comfortable in their own skin and unashamedly of it so as to appear in public unadorned. Anyone missing the fraudulency of hair dye have only to gaze upon the current press corps on television, don’t believe me, just feast your eyes any day or night on the television press reporting the news to you daily across all networks. If there is some advantage in appearance duplicity, while at the same time trying to be convincing in reporting the news in an accurate manner, is to me way beyond the pale. Here’s what it all boils down to, believe in what you see, or believe in what you hear? Now, just try to serve the two masters of comprehension at the same point in time without any appearance of conflict, report back to me the winners…in this on-going battle for some ‘truth be told’ kinda advertising in television news reporting and or presidential candidates seeking your approval and votes…

For Sale

Anyone who currently own any Trump named products, like, Trump Vodka, Trump Playing Cards, Trump Stakes, Trump Games, Trump Golf Tees, Trump Neckties, Trump Shirts, Trump Wine, Trump Golden Ale, Trump Brokerage Stock, Trump (Teddy) Bear(s), Trump Fragrance, Trump Mortgage, Trump University Degree, Trump Real Estate, wait, wait, I can’t go on, anyway, if any of the above items are personally owned, my advise is to hold on to them, they will soon be worth much more than they ever did before…you may be able to cash them in at the first Presidential fire sale…at this point, who will be keeping book, prompts this question, who can you trust? And don’t let me forget, Trump Blond Hair Dye, with that added attraction the orange face look, for two extra cents on the dollar…some of all the above can be yours, if its not too late already?

The Displayed Image

”The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., once said “it is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o’clock on Sunday morning.” How much have things changed”?

There is more displayed hair dye fakery on the heads of journalists and politicians during Sunday morning political television programing, where it should be least expected, even though they are heavily populated by journalists and politicians, whose stock and trade is supposed to be unquestioned truth, that can never come close to the amount of hair dye being employed at the finest Hollywood film studios, where it is, very much expected, whose stock and trade is the fakery of the image. Which raises the question, if the civilian population cannot trust its journalists and political leaders to present an image of truth, whom can they put their trust in, the sharing of truth and justice and not some storied image geared to persuasion like some marketing managers vision of theirs and not our would be true to life world. If you think that the phoneyness peeks only on Sunday’s, you ain’t seen nothing yet, just wait till the 2020 presidential beauty contest is in full bloom, you won’t be able to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake, I, having assumed all of what can now be seen is fake. However, as anyone can plainly see, most candidates currently under consideration are already appearing in an enhanced counterfeit mode and most likely will remain so for the foreseeable future…they just can’t seem to help themselves…having once been bitten by the political and broadcast show business bug…

Presidential Hair

A quick overview of some of the most influential business network television shows, can lay claim to an increase in the number of chief executive officers of major companies, even some founders, spokespersons, for the alteration of their hair, the males hair is becoming darker, if female, blonder, all perceiving some marketing advantage for their companies, does anyone by stock, or buy a product based on the appearance of its company officers or president? What ever is fueling this happening, seemed to have taken its queue from all the blond dye head females on news programing, and the recent crop of black top dye head male television journalists, has sparked a fear of it bleeding on to the heads of the 2020 presidential candidates, as if they need to be schooled in this misleading of appearance, which is already in epidemic, and moving faster to becoming the norm. Hey guys, what’s wrong with looking your age?

Of Google

The purpose of this posting is not presented in defense of Google, but only to offer my take on what a search engine is supposed to do, and that is to offer a desired search result, for example, if one is searching for the image of a car, one does not expect to find an image of an elephant as a representation. Digging a little further, I do a lot of posting on a lot of sites, am often amazed by which ones rise to the top in repetition and those that “die on the vine”, “sorta speak”, never to see the light of day again. I wish I could predict which of my opinions are popular and which are not, if I could only foretell, I would be a millionaire, I think. One last point of view, I would never use Google in search of political opinion or trends, the subject is just too amorphous, will never hold its shape over any extended amount of time, events will certainly alter that search, those that do, do so at their own peril, will never be satisfied with the found results, will most often point an accusatory finger at Google as being bias without any provable proof, when what has clearly happened, events has altered everyone’s point of view…a hot subject has suddenly turned cold with little or no interest for anyone that was once so concerned about it.

In Journalism, We Do Trust, Or Can We?

First up…this truism…Televised journalism has merged into a budding branch of ‘show business’…
Recently, this blogger inaugurated a new descriptive term with the hope of it fast becoming commonplace, but first let me express the following: I cannot imagine a reason as to why any television journalist would want to ever appear on televison in dyed hair or wig, unless they are trying to hide something, like age, can you? among the journalists that I know and love, truth has always been their ‘stock-in-trade’, to alter their appearance, even slightly, to satisfy some marketing trend, would be in violation, and a betrayal and a big fat lie.
Last week, on one show, the A-block of Morning Joe consisted of the following; Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Willie Geist, Katty Kay, Michael S. Schmidt, Sam Stein and Michael Steel, whom Wikipedia bills as a ‘conservative political commentator’, kinda removes him, somewhat, from being called a ‘journalist’, in the strict sense of the word. Anyhow, my point is this, with the exception of Mr. Steel, all the above appeared in a fresh coat of dyed hair, many have been doing so for years, and still would like to be referred to as ‘journalists’, I argue that since they dye their hair, like any performing singer or actor, they should simply be referred to as ‘broadcast news entertainers’… Not to isolate this group from so many others, CBS This Morning represent one the biggest violators of that sacred trust in the industry, and just like, Morning Joe, they do so every week day morning of the week…without any fear of it being called out even though it’s as plain as the noses on their faces, fake or otherwise…

Not To My Taste, Anymore

I was once an avid fan of the program and the ladies of The View, today, I was reminded why I’m not anymore, before going any further, let me state why I tuned to this program today in the first place, I wanted to hear their take on and if they can see any future for Kevin Hart hosting future award shows, that having been satisfied. Now, why I’m no longer a fan, I find it an insult to my personal taste in how women are depicted and look in regard to their public appearances on this program. Before posting this blog, I did a little research of other like shows supposedly geared toward women interested in gossip, hot topics, current events, and such, what I found was, all my research confirmed, all the women appeared everywhere I looked, they all are liken to these ladies, overly made up, to the point of some even in wigs, even more so then some of the women that appear on some of my favorite go to pornography sites, was enough to drive me away from such over the air broadcast programing that feature women in ‘clown face’, like the women on The View, along with their greasy lips and all.