On Television

Gender dysphoria…

The house held Hearings on Gender-Affirming Care for minors that were broadcast on C-Span. One house member compared the desires of a child wanting to eat ice cream and cookies 24/7, without the consultation of any medical professional.

In The Real World

Wikipedia tells us, “A transgender person is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Many experience gender dysphoria, which they may seek to alleviate through transitioning often adopting a different name and set of pronouns in the process. They may pursue gender affirming care such as hormone replacement therapy and various gender-affirming surgeries.” If some members of the political elite have their way without holding a medical degree, such care may be deemed a crime against mother nature.

The Real You?

Why would a talking head that frequently appears on television dye their hair or under the cover of fake hair? To cut a more pleasing appearance with the hope it will snowball into more bookings, as for this observational blogger, all I can see is their deceit.

On Television

I find it annoying and irritating watching television commercials with all those people dancing around product promoting. I never thought that there would come a day longing for the good old days of just a lonesome hair dyed talking head. Anyway, now we have both.