Visual Embarrassments of Blonds & Black Tops

At the conclusion of the live Mueller Report, his every word was believable because of an unenhanced appearance… but politicians and pundits could not control themselves in their urgency to appear before televison cameras, unfortunately most did so in dyed hair, confirming self-marketing, self-promotion of their image hoping it added some validity to their remarks, but only added shameful no nothings to a no nothing consumptive image. The most damaging offenders were the female news contributors that appeared in clown face, cherry greased lipped, deep blond streaked dyed hair, a true caricature of themselves.

In order to get through as much news programing as a blogger must, I have adopted the practice of fast forwarding past some politicians and journalists that appear with that extra over dyed hair, they have already demonstrated a willingness to exploit the lower tastes of some viewers by their self-marketing appearance, can anyone expect worse to come out of their mounts, I do…and most often they never disappoint.

If ever one really wants to get their fill of the phonies in action, have only to stroll through the aisles of Congress or spend a little time viewing morning television, both have become an ongoing cesspool of the visioual professional hair dye heads on display. For years occupations that were in supposal of the public trust, politicians and television journalists, a hypothesis once taken for granted, have now been driven, by their own labored appearances themselves, way below the ‘Philadelphia Lawyer’ or snake oil salesperson by their very chronic use of hair dyes, and only recently have been raised above the ‘dime a dozen’ witchdoctor, who can be seen spreading chicken bones and lucky stones on broadcast studio floors before each newscast. If you by chance observe someone in dyed hair, can safely assume they are either running for president or are employed in televison journalism, or both. In the show business playground of the current cultivated crop of politicians and televison journalists, deceit runs deep, is either speared on by some perceived profit motivated management in broadcasting or the self-promotion of political ambition with an aim for higher and higher public office, these days it has become increasingly hard to tell which came first the chicken or the egg. Every politician knows in the back of their mind, there can be life after public office for them on television, a youthful appearance must be maintained at all cost…can’t be old once then suddenly young again, the phoniness must never be so obvious.

“You’re No Jack Kennedy…”

Beings from Mars would show up in old Hollywood, scratching their heads after learning that some movie moguls had urged some of its ethnic talent to change their names, from natively spelled with more than ten letters to one with two or five, like an American, Ed or Mike, an oddity in a nation of immigrants with naturally long spelled names, only to learn because of marketing. Were further amazed to learn that some of our politicians and journalists, have taken to publicly appearing in dyed hair for the same reason, marketing, but let us refer to it by its real reasoning, box-office promotion or even self-promotion.

I don’t know if any past politicians or presidential candidates ever engaged in appearance enhancement, and if they did, it was proberbly so insignificant as to remain well hidden, unargued to this very day, that is until the winning marketed election of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, when it was pointed out that some voters that saw The Kennedy-Nixon Debates on televison gave a win to Kennedy because of his healthy robust appearance, vs. the unshaved perceived shuddery Nixon’s, however, radio listeners did give a win to Nixon based on his sound presented arguments, with the winning Kennedy appearance, the ‘appearance genie’ had been tossed out of the bottle. To this day, it is wondered if it had been well known that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, could not stand or walk on his own, if it would have made a significant difference in the outcome of his first winning presidential election, or even if perfect working legs would have served any meaningful aid in the winning of the second world war. Since Kennedy, every presidential candidate has appeared heavily hair dyed, made-up and dressed to appeal to whatever audience is in play before them, baseball fans… a baseball hat, a hardhat before construction workers, or whatever, it’s all about the marketing of the image, issues of importance, becoming secondary, only gaining after the initial visioual image marketing pitch, with only light shaded hair or blond for women will do, dark hair can seem villainous at first glance. Strangely enough, dark dyed hair on male journalists, whom I like to refer to as ‘black tops’, particularly among the older heaps can mean years more of productive work on television way past what would be normal retirement years, as for the younger journalists on the verge of graying, they will be claiming, not yet, are now the most hair dyed of the lot of male televison journalists, now appearing on televison, are practicing deceit way before their time, and before our very wide open eyes as we can plainly see, dressed in full bloom, topped off in dark dyed hair.

Finally, Sunday mornings is prime time for both politicians and journalists, one would think the last thing they would want to do is distract from any remarks they would be making or reporting, and yet the most outstanding feature of their appearances was their head full of hair dye, on two occasions, on two separate televison interview programs, that included politicians and journalists, I could not take my eyes off their dyed faked up hair dye treatments, placing any remembrance of their remarks, at zero…

Nat King Cole, Michael Jackson and Beyond

Public Broadcasting Service occasionally will offer a serious of musical programing called, My Music, as a national network fund raiser. Recently the music of Nat King Cole was presented on PBS spanning his musical career, one of the takeaways for me was how culturally offensive it was for a segment of the population in the 1950’s, to witness most of its male performers of that era to have to chemically straighten their hair, in marketing themselves in appearance as acceptable, as a tool of acceptance, right up to the glory days of Michael Jackson, as it fueled his career as a more acceptable cross over artist. Historically, and much later, entertainers like Sammy Davis Jr. and soul singer James Brown, came to see the cultural offense of such displays and ended the practice. Today, straight haired wigs are budgeted into any dramatized television programing claiming to promote diversity, a kinda throwback when straight hair was thought to be more desirable than not, even more sexy. In 2019 we would like to think there has been some advancement beyond such pettiness governing marketing of appearance, but it has only morphed into hair dying, the killing of the gray for the blond, if you will.

I don’t know just who set the standards for desirability in beauty, if wondering, have only to look to old Hollywood for the keys to its continuum and persistence to these very marketing days of our culture. I always like to offer as some kinda proof, the casting of the 1943 musical play and movie, Cabin in the Sky, try reversing the characterized roles played by those of Ethel Waters and Lena Horne, now, in your mind, try to figure out who played and was casted as the seductive inviting one, and who was casted as the homely looking and devoted wife, and when you are done, you will know the answer.

In conclusion, I understand CBS’s television series, Elementary is in its final days, seemingly want to go out with a bang, the character played by Lucy Liu has been seen in a full head of blond dyed hair in promos, if no one is offended by such a kinda cultural ‘tragedy of the commons’, I would like to go on record and state, that I am…and ok, stop Tweeting, I can tell a fantasy when I see one, but chemically treated hair to change its color or texture has become real life seemingly forever…and that has been no fantasy…

No More ‘Plain Janes’, Upfronts Predicts

“How you gonna keep them down on the farm after they’re seen Paree? Or, You’ll never be able to put that genie back in the bottle. Or You’ll never be able to put the toothpaste back in the tube.” Just a few well known idioms…

“In the television industry, an upfront is a gathering at the start of important advertising sales periods, held by television network executives and attended by major advertisers and the media. It is so named because of its main purpose, to allow marketers to buy television commercial airtime “up front”, or several months before the television season begins.” Excerpted from Wikipedia…

As the current ‘upfronts’ are in full bloom, here are just a few things that are a certainty…No women will be appearing with gray hair, no matter their age in a drama or comedy, or even if known to be of a certain age in real life, even fewer gray headed men for the same marketing reasoning. Any Afro-American females in the cast will be straight haired or wigged, oh, there will be a few Afro-Centric hair styles, those will be the exception and very few in number. Most of the female’s hair colors will be lightly shaded, if not out right blond. There will be one or two flaunted interracial relationships, more than what one would expect, and oh yes, a few gays scattered about, males, no females, we are not that liberated yet. Few men will be seen dressed in a suit and tie. But the most regrettable of the ‘upfronts’ is what it confirms and means to the facial image of women, their make-up will become more trashy then ever before, very much like the image of current female news contributors, trashy blonds with pouting greasy lushes red lips, the cheapness of the appearance has return, without any seemingly objections from women, as they seem to be enjoying the fakery in dress up make-up, and yes, the ‘plain Jane’ is all but dead.

In With Cavuto

Before I start to write a semi-profile of a television personality, first I do a Google image search, followed by a Wikipedia bio brief, and oh, you must know that before all of the above, I have already decided on a point of view with regard to a said personality, my research is only done to provide detail accuracy and supported background of any pointed critiques. Today’s victim is sixty-year-old Fox Business News television anchor, Neil Cavuto, who has a daily weekday program, Cavuto: Coast to Coast. Assessed in my most primitive mind, with a daily television program seen by, I’m guessing, millions of people, if I were to alter my appearance even slightly comes equipped with some observable dangers, such as the appearance of ‘phoneyness’, and it openly did today for Mr. Cavuto, when he presented himself to Fox Business viewers in a full freshly dark dyed head of hair, that would not be referred to as normal on this planet of humans for any person of his advanced age, but does some how in current marketing trends can seem all too normal, cheating the lady gods of youth is sort of in, everybody is trying to do it…few are succeeding without it being loudly noticed…so when are you going to start dying your hair, or have you already started, only now awaiting the jeers…that are now roaring silently behind your back…

I Saw You On Television Last Night

“A barrister is a type of lawyer in common law jurisdictions. Barristers mostly specialise in courtroom advocacy and litigation. Their tasks include taking cases in superior courts and tribunals, drafting legal pleadings, researching the philosophy, hypothesis and history of law, and giving expert legal opinions. Often, barristers are also recognised as legal scholars”. Excerpted from Wikipedia…

When ever a barrister appears representing ‘law’ in the movies, chiefly, U.K. movies, they are uniquely dressed in a traditional barrister’s white wig, I give mention, because it seems to this blogger, a like minded custom has invaded American televison media, when ever a female news contributor appears, the proper attire for her must include a blond dyed head of hair, and or, for males, a black dyed head of hair too. Just the other day, a cable news and information program introduced a female panelist representing a major print news organization, she appeared in an oversized, ill-fitting blond wig provoking laughter in me and I’m guessing all who saw it too. What came to mind, was of some of the locals that appear on Judge Judy, looking their hometown best, but ridiculous to a more sophisticated minded nation. Here’s what this appearance faddish has brought upon us, every news program must include hair dyed anchors and reporters, even meteorologists and sports casters, reporting the countries weather and game results must appear with a little hair dye, or seemingly their observational reporting may prove meaningless.

In our civilian lives we have by tradition, come to expect the female population to artificially enhance themselves with make-up, hair dyes, corsets or whatever is the trending fashion in vogue, without being so engaged can be said to be a ‘plain Jane’, or homely looking. Now it has come to the male population to enhance themselves too, the aged male with gray sidewalls is no longer as attractive as it once was, now he must appear as youthful as possible, to the point of teenage looking. Wolf Bitzer, Anderson Cooper, John King, John Roberts, Scott Pelley and so many others, have managed in this faked-up appearance climate to keep they’re on the air jobs is a wonder to me or is just some sort of mistake in clever network schemed in marketing, in checking all current appearances, I think not. Further, we except entertainers thru appearances to be enhanced, they are from and live in a world of fantasy, as for our politicians and journalists, there should be no expectations and should be bathed in a true to life reality, our very lives may depend on it. When ever I see on television a hair dyed politician or journalist it raises red flags in my mind as to question why, I always conclude its to raise favoritism by appearance, to what ever position they have taken, good or bad, wise or not, is a tool that is used by those engaging in the selling of product like toothpaste or bathroom cleaner and forgive me, is not to be fully trusted, leading questions as to their true intentions, without the physical enhancements, their appearances would not, or, does not come under any suspicion as it certainly does dressed in faked up phoneyness.

If you knew when you are scheduled to appear on television, what are some of the things you would do to prepare? If you are a woman of a certain age, dye your hair, a male of a certain age, dye your hair too. Only secondly put some thought into what you would say, or maybe buy a new outfit displaying your youthful taste in clothing. Some of your closest friends will be remarking the next day, ‘I saw you on television yesterday, you looked so young’, then you will be glad that you put all that effort into your appearance, but regretting all those uninformed pointed comments, wishing you had studied more for the subject just a little more completely…

Powdered Wigs for Sale

No self-respecting defense attorney, if it can be helped, would allow their client to appear in a courtroom dressed in prison garb which would shout, ‘guilty’, but only in their Sunday best with the appearance of ‘innocents’.

You have already chosen a cable news network to watch by their marketing use of their anchors dressed in hair dye and wigs, now you have to choose if you should put any faith in the remarks expressed by their presented opinionated talking heads. All cables employ a stable of contributors who have committed to the network’s appearance standards, for the males, black hair dye, the females, blond hair dye, its possible for all of them to make a nice living appearing across all cable news networks engaging in their appearance compliances.

There was once upon a time when the only requirement to be a company spokesperson was to be able to put two or more company policies in a coherent sentence, now they must look like someone’s vision of a Hollywood type concoction. Never forgetting the current marketing proclamation, it’s all about the hair, ‘stupid’, old timers who have made their mark in other professions, if they have enough hair that can be youthfully dyed, there will always be life for them, making a living pitching product on televison. In the current climate its possible for constitutional law professionals who may have been writing books for years on the subject, when recruited for a televison appearance, are encouraged to first dye their hair to create a more marketable appearance when their expressed knowledge has nothing to do with appearance but to the networks it does, are soon convinced, to sell more books, they should dye their hair, a youthful appearance sells, aged, experience does not, how is that possible? I will never be able to know or prove.

Parts One, Two and Three

In the very early days of broadcast television a station would end its day with programing called ,‘sermonette’, is what we would call today a ‘loss leader’, offered free of charge to attract the good will of customers, some even with the playing of The Star-Spangled Banner with flags waving at the end of the broadcast day, Sunday mornings religious programing was offered for the same reason. Then, some station marketing manager offered the notion, why should they give away that valuable air time for free. That was part one… Another loss leader at that time, has always been up to a certain point, news and information, networks would hang as a hat of pride on the number of community-based programing as a public service. Part two…fast forward, all the above ended around 1968 with the debuting of CBS’s 60 Minutes, proving and confirming that news and information can make a profit for any network much like their entertainment divisions. Part three…From now on never wonder why news anchors are starting to look more like movie stars, blond dyed and younger, inference being waned from excellence in television journalism to excellence in appearance, its all about the Benjamin’s, the dollars earned based on the number of eyeballs watching. What was confirmed today, under new management, you may never see another gray-haired newscaster on CBS ever again of any gender, on any news network for that matter, dark dye heads of men and women all around will soon become more the norm than ever before, I’m even considering dyeing my gray just to be attuned with this on rushing fad, just kidding.

False Dye Heads

Every time I watch Chris Matthews on Hardball, the endurance of his current image is only tolerable because I know he once was a dye head blond who has given up the chase of a false youthful broadcast appearance, as the cast of the following A-block panel are digging in on the 05/03/2019 eposode displays. In residence were Peter Baker of the New York Times, Historian, Michael Beschloss, Representative Jackie Speier, and Maya Wiley, of the New School, whose ages range from fifty-one to sixty-eight, all have chosen to dye their hair, as if hair dye can only enhance any wisdom that may spill from their lips, as only a faked up hair dyed appearance can bring forth according to their small self-marketing minds, and any marketing managers they may have employed to boost their televison appearances. Well as for this blogger is concerned, whenever I encounter anyone of them taking part in a panel discussion, I will intentionally fast forward my DVR to pass over their remarks thinking them fined tuned to marketing like their appearances and not of any carefully thought out wisdom or knowledge on any subject under discussion.

Wheezing The News

How to turn real life people with real life trusts and responsibilities into untrustworthy dressed up fakes and phonies…One look at any local or network newscaster, all hair dyed, all over forty-five-years-old, made to look like teenagers at the dawn of birth…some even with synthetics on their heads…why?

An entertainer that dyes their hair can only offer and be seen as in a high noncaloric appearance, emptied of any nourishment, in a sickly syrupy saccharine, if anything that can be measured, it is as fat on the brain after an appearance. However, we do expect so much more from our politicians and journalists, sound judgements on public policies for one, as for our journalists, truth in reporting without any puff in appearance. For when they start to dye their hair too, offering it as an enhanced distraction in appearance, it should not be to add fat on the brain but to improve the publics knowledge and understanding of any given issue(s), otherwise, no one will be able to know or tell the difference between the puff, the fat, or the pant…