How Far Have We Fallen?

I can’t get anyone to watch a news program with me anymore, because I soon become uncontrollably outraged, here’s why…

There are currently so many, too many young female journalists just starting out beginning to make an exceptional mark and name for themselves in the industry, only to find out as they age their marketing limitations, learning they now have to spend more and more time instead of program prep, which has meant, program content, now to include, program personal appearance grooming. As I currently look around that appearance curse has now included a lot of male journalists that regularly appear on television, now in dyed hair, one has recently committed to becoming a dye head blond. The holy among us, at least for me growing up has always been the journalist, in a hostage situation, it was often requested that a journalist play an important role as some sort of safety guarantee for both victim and perpetrator, now it can be argued only if they both can pass a test of being attractive enough for the cameras to influence us to care about them. Black women now must appear in straight haired wigs, not in the natural ethnic hair style one would expect of a wig on them, Asian women with streaking blond hair strips, appearing rather comedic, eroding the seriousness of their journalism, among shouts of, “hooray for Hollywood”, not for their often-groundbreaking journalistic reporting but for their clownish appearance that can include red greasy lips and inappropriate rosy cheeks as if from a Scandinavian country, with marketing managers cheering as program ratings rise to the rooftops, and advertising cash continue to flow and flow into stuffed pockets of network executives, as broadcasting news standards are wiped away, “hooray for Hollywood”, and the new news standards are morphs into common (*&%$#@), a word not fit for this family blog…

And The Struggle Continues

Those women of NY1 who are suing claiming discriminatory practices by a television station must have learned by now and forced the rest of us, it was not their journalism that got them their jobs reporting and anchoring the news on televison in the first place, it was the gross application of hair dye and make-up and greasy red lip coverings. Once the appearance wonderment of their streaking blond dyed hair and make-up no longer did that ‘cheap trick’, they were seemingly traded in for a much younger model perhaps one requiring less make-up and no dyed hair. If there is any doubt in anyone’s mind of any of the above, just let any female show up for a news reporting telecast without make-up, see how long they last on that program and in the industry in general. Women like Pauline Frederick who broke ground in broadcast news for all women, only to have it cheapen by a few male chauvinist pigs hiring practices, setting back female journalism back to the stone age of women only fetching coffee for men in the nation’s newsrooms, well before suffrage must be, well, let’s just let Wikipedia express some of that would be outrage. “turn in one’s grave is an idiom to describe an extreme level of shock or an intense level of surprise and is expressed as the vicarious sentiment of a deceased person. This hyperbolic figure of speech is used to describe the upset, disgust, horror or anger of a deceased person if he or she were alive to hear of a certain news story, action or idea—especially a negative one”. About the current status of women on television practicing journalism is currently reduced to one of those pretty little red candy-cane lipped ‘things’ that must be endured because of the Equal Rights Amendment, those hiring marketing managers must now bow their heads in shame before their daughters seeking a job on televison practicing journalism…and with that I’ll just write, ‘good luck to them in their quest’…no make that, their struggle…they may still be able to find a journalistic experience first in print then on radio…just like Pauline Frederick did before tackling the harder challenges of televison journalism…Can any one picture Walter Cronkite first in lip stick, I can’t, but I can picture a female televison journalist without make-up, turning the tables on her journalism and not on her hyped up faked up appearance…’you go girl’…it would be a little like placing “lip stick on a pig”…

Presidential Arraignment 2019

Well here we are as this impeachment mess begins to unfold 2019 style; I’m not looking forward to witnessing as all the participants will be appearing as if a ‘Judge Judy Litigant’, meaning dressed and hair dyed purely for hometown consumption, significantly for the television cameras, I can guarantee that all the females will be hair dyed, along with most of the males, with me knowing that at one time a century or so ago no females would even have been present, the males in white powdered wigs would have looked quite smart. I wish I could just take a pill, then awaken when this farce has concluded, then review the results, I’m certain the slow drag of events will soon become quite disheveled to behold, a little like when its sleepy time down south on a midsummers day. There will be many panel discussions composed of experts on certain phases of the process, each more boring than the last as appearance begins to take center stage as if some sort of compensation as entertainment for them being so dull, the enjoyment will only be in the minds of academics taking notes for some law journalistic play by play to be later written for chroniclers to pore over with sticky fingers. Television recordings will be made when future generations will be asking, who were all those old fogies hair dyed and dressed up to look like young people now on their way to, or now reposing in graveyards everyone. I remember photos of hippies of the 1960s, you could not tell them they didn’t look cool, much like these impeachment conferees, thinking how smart and up to date they must appear, and they do until one takes apart their stated appearance logic as to why they are now there which can only be properly accessed years later as history, just not now in the current. So, what is the meaning of all this hair dying, they have convinced themselves that if they appear hair dyed and young viewers will watch them taking in their every word as gospel, I have never seen a female television journalist conducting a telecast with aged gray hair, and fewer and fewer males either these days, it’s the phoney in the industry that is making the few legitimates of the young no gray hair appear look phony by extension. From time to time I will be commenting on some of the daily events as the outrageousness takes hold of me uncontrollably, forcing me to express to myself at home in a silent yell but publicly in coherent words by way of this blog.
Finally, among covering reporters and pundits, a hair of gray may never be seen again…

With These Words

The nick name for The New York Times is the gray lady, I guess it got its name back in the days when the news was a complete package, a no frills black and white, then along came USA Today adding a splash of color to its pages, then we were off to the races as I like to say with ‘news’ becoming an entertainment medium. Televised news casting delivered by a lone experienced gray-haired male are rare, now it takes a team, preferably one of male and female, both nicely hair dyed, she more elaborately displayed then he to the edge of baboonery in appearance, loud blond dyed hair and greasy lipped. There was so much Sunday New York Times paper, a hand truck could have been required to lug it all home, and a week to devour it all, if one ever did. On current cable news configurations, an anchor provides the opening for a breaking detailed news story, then a dye head panel of pundits are introduced to discuss and spin, with most viewers wondering was all that fuss really necessary, the anchor had just reported the news, but that was not enough, the pundits as window dressing are needed to give the proceedings that entertainment value and to stretch the program to a full hour, with the added addition of book plugging, had enough yet, but wait there’s more, a string of programing will soon be upcoming on the same network, no need to tune to another provider each will be reporting the same stories, hopefully with their own added spin and updates as encouragement for you to stay where you are, at least till 11p when the cycle of rinse and repeat begins, only to be interrupted and continued by another breaking news story.