Play Acting As Journalist, (on television)

An incredibly world-famous woman, name withheld, not known for trashy hair and make-up, was asked if she would do a public service announcement on the medically necessary protection of the wearing of a face-mask during this pandemic, she agreed. When she showed up for the shoot, the director suggested a little make-over, again, she agreed. When the PSA was released, all who saw it were deeply shocked…that little suggested make-over that the director suggested turned into a little something more than just trashy, it was darn right clownish. Her hair was streaked blond dyed in large clumps, weirdest smokie eyed make-up ever seen, with large greasy red colored lip coverings as if a circus clown, was assured that this little make over would help garner the attention necessary to make the sale, and it sure did. She would later complain that the director made her look just like a typical female television news performer…play acting as journalist…   

Are We Fully Ready For This Fight?

Global 3000 is a globalized news magazine from the English language arm of DW-News.

The Carter Center

“A leader in the eradication and elimination of diseases, the Center fights six preventable diseases — Guinea worm, river blindness, trachoma, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, and malaria in Hispaniola — by using health education and simple, low-cost methods. The Center also strives to improve maternal and child health in Sudan and Nigeria and improve access to mental health care globally.”

I remember a few years ago Global 3000 aired this segment on how a healthcare worker on bicycle with a  box over the back wheel packed with dry ice, riding up a mountain top dirt trail in some third world country to deliver some much-needed vaccines to a rural hospital. That image came rushing back with the thoughts of how the current Covid vaccines might be delivered in the fight in the world-wide effort to eradicate Covid-19…that and so much more is what it’s going to take…   

An Unfurled View of Comcast

Just being curious about all the  ‘corporate power’ in the hands of Comcast I asked Wikipedia for an assessment, please find their results below, but first my appearance pre-conclusion…

These days whenever I think of Comcast I think of NBC, CNBC and MSNBC, and all the dye heads employed under its on-air performance banners, which has led me to wonder, whose paying for all this hair dying? the individuals or is there a corporate budget that is funding this mockery of an appearance fountain of youth? And with the number of heads that ‘must be covered’, its little wonder that Comcast may have to file for chapter 11 protection, or just sell some of its corporate holdings for pennies on the dollar…with all its current employees growing older every day, not to mention new ones that must be faked too, their hair dyeing requirements costs can only grow higher, then become unaffordable…  

“Comcast Corporation (formerly registered as Comcast Holdings) is an American telecommunications conglomerate headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania It is the second-largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world by revenue and the largest pay-tv company, the largest cable TV company and largest home Internet service provider in the United States, and the nation’s third-largest home telephone service provider. Comcast provides services to U.S. residential and commercial customers in 40 states and in the District of Columbia. As the parent company of the international media company NBCUniversal since 2011, Comcast is a producer of feature films and television programs intended for theatrical exhibition and over-the-air and cable television broadcast, respectively.”

In view of all the above it is close to being almost impossible to go thru a broadcast watching day without encountering a dye head employee of Comcast…if not all of their on-air personalities are not dye heads, 99.95% can seem remarkably close to it…

Men And Women, Too

The Biden Presidential-elect team announced that its White House communications staff will consist of ‘all women’. And that’s a good thing as far as the advancement of women is concerned, but there’s additional reasoning that this has ‘never been tempted before’. It has to do with the  budgeting expense and mostly our ‘women’s appearance culture’. Just ask any television news producer involved with program budgeting that in the past included a lot of women employed as anchors or reporters, their hair dye expense can put the entire news program at risk. Especially now these days that some men have to be included too in this cultural farce of journalists appearing on television…

The Boys And Girls Can’t Help It

“Excellence in journalism is being practiced here”; no Hollywood styled hype is.

Once upon a time, what fueled the success of news programing on television was simply good journalism, however, that all changed when CBS’s 60 Minutes a news magazine for television proved that news and information can get viewer eyeballs once only reserved for entertainment programing. The genie was out of the bottle and corruption entered and good journalism was no longer expected, hair dye was, now good journalism is not often seen, if it does occur its purely by chance. What can be seen most often are hair dyes, now on both men and women, it’s all about the Hollywood fantasy of the young and faked up. Some journalists now appearing on television are well into their eighties, appearing as teenager or worse, ‘a thing’, a creature born of and living well on television. While watching news and information programing if the anchors, reporters or pundits are hair dyed, quickly change from that network or station, journalism will not be in the offering, appearance hype will be. Since the more viewer eyeballs can mean higher earnings for news networks and individual journalists, after all the hair dying, the next thing to fall to corruption is their journalism with a predicted spin toward the left or right of the political spectrum, you already know in advance the nature of the political spin by the news networks name, no longer a need for anyone to pretend it’s all about the journalism when it’s the spin pure and biases thrown in that are the generating factor bringing in higher viewer numbers. So, until I blog again, chew on this… High viewer numbers equal hair dyes equal big bucks for all concerned, the down siders are the poor viewers who seldom realize they are being played, no make that, being had…as in ”please buy my butter”…   

“Oh, What A Difference”

I am an American, I fought and died in Vietnam so that a French colonial power could continue to thrive in Indochina, ruffly from 1858 to their defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. The world would have been better off, thousands of lives never would have been put at risk, if the French had simply just stayed at home, and that goes double for me and other Americas sent there to prompt them up. 

Whose In Charge These Days?

This simi holiday weekend has forced me onto unfamiliar news networks and stations, where they have booked dance hall fancy trashing looking female journalists to anchor and report their news programing. I have become convinced that these women appeared because of the way they have made themselves up to look, have rendered their journalism tainted, so I will from now on, when such gaudy women are perceived I will fast forward past them, in the hopes of finding a more wholesome looking female journalist that I feel I can trust to report the news. Its looks like such women are being paid more by drip drops of hair dye, if that is the case, they seeming have sold out to the appearance devil, dressed in greasy red lip coverings, as television sanity is being ruled by marketing managers in the guise of higher profits and not true journalism… 

Hair, To Dye For

Its Friday the day after Thanksgiving so most television news programing is being hosted by guest hosts, as was the PBS NewsHour by Amna Nawaz, with the regular punditry by subs too, a grey bearded Jonathan Capehart and Gary Abernathy, with a canvas report on independent book sellers by Jeffery Brown. It pained me to view that all the above appeared with a head full of hair dye, which raises this important question, was their journalism better for this ‘show busy’ display as if in some Hollywood movie production? Then there was another once favorite, but no more, Washington Week, now hosted by an always hair dyed Robert Costa, with this week’s panelists, Fareed Zakaria, Yesmeen Abutaleb and Sarah Kliff, all nicely hair dyed too, same question posed as before, has their punditry been enhanced in any way by their hair dyed appearance, I pause for your reply…and please don’t take all night, I have six more newscasts to criticize, not for their hair dying, though I could, for them it was for their accuracy and politically charged news spin…  

Not A Second To Waste With Bickering

The distribution of the viral vaccines will be the most expensive in world history, a global distribution system will be even more expensive with the added cost of refrigeration and duel injections tacked on. And by the way, the vaccines to be most effective will have to be ‘globally distributed in a system’ ruffly at about the same time, along with the vaccines themselves, must be gratis to all nations regardless of an ability to pay, that includes Africa, Asia and current war zones. Lacking a total global assault on this virus will only enable it to find safe haven with the ability to bounce back with vengeance, having learned how to morph into another iteration, then the new task will be to have to develop vaccines to fight it anew… with a starting point of near zero…  

In The America We Trust

Americans are continuously being told they live in the riches country in the world, and yet, just the other day thousands lined up in cars to receive free food for Thanksgiving. “We are the first nation in the history of the world to go to the poor house in an automobile,” stolen without permission from Will Rogers Quotes, Your Dictionary online, so far this holiday season he was right on. Since the record-breaking Dow closed above 30,000 points, as this American President chose to put in a rare appearance to claim credit, but none of the blame for the mounting viral deaths and hunger in this nation. Fueled speculation that the Dow rise was due in part to the incoming administration not by anything the current one did or said…