Short Term-Long Term

Its seems most often in these modern times to correct a perceived injustice is to protest, employing the tools of picketing, marching, demonstrating, leading to looting then on to a raging riot. It’s the looting activity that is the head scratcher, destroying ones environment seems to this blogger is an ill starter. What can be more inconvenient from being able to shop nearby to miles away? Well if it affects the local economy is like shooting oneself in the foot, is a sacrifice some are more than willing to make. You see what affects the local economy also by extension, affects the outer economy as well, that is the reasoning, I think? One has only to consider the Montgomery bus boycott and why it was a success, its was the lack of ridership, if it continued over a long period of time, the bus company would soon have to go out of business. Then there is the issue of segregated shopping in stores, the selling of merchandise only knows green, the exclusion of a segment of the population would be and is bad for business. So, any self-respecting person of business, would simply hold their nose and allow anyone with the bucks to enter and buy and buy…So, it’s the local big chain enterprises that are being harmed, it they want to return to the community, they will just have to support national change and the local demonstrators issues for the long term…


As an overly enthusiastic newshound I am most happy when there is a lot of news being reported on television news programs. Today there was the Minneapolis riots, the China/Hong Kong story, over 100,000 viral deaths, Trump ending support for the World Health Organization, the economic openings around the country, and so many others too numerus to mention here, even I was so overwhelmed I sort relief from all the distressing affairs of the world by seeking consolation on the faces of some of my favorite female porn stars. For a moment I had to check the internet addresses, thinking they must have changed, they didn’t, the faces had, the make-up schemes were more fitting of the average looking respectable woman or housewife. It seems that that once all too familiar look of a porn prostituted type looking woman has now moved on to the faces of female journalists on television, where the trashier, blond hair dyed, greasy lipped is seemingly the better for the economy of the news broadcasts, one even sported a bright orange lip covering, not seen lipped since last Halloween. This all got me to thinking, these made-up women must be some new added attraction being added to news anchoring that is keeping the lights on at some network stations, or is it the hair dye on the heads of the old staffed newsmen looking like teenagers? either way, they are everywhere…And seemingly if green painted faces would keep viewers tuning in, with advertising dollars pouring in too, than green painted faces would dominate every cable and broadcast newscast, so, until then, instead we are given blond and black dyed head schemes on the heads of both genders reporting the news to us on our television screens…

Fashionable Intelligence

I just read on-line, Public School Review, “The Pros and Cons of Tracking in Schools…
It’s not your life, its theirs…
Us humans, we humans, which is correct? Anyway, we have the ability of hindsight, to look back at a situation, a happening, and assess it differently from the way it was originally thought. For me it was during the second grade, we were to line up on the side of the school building in the morning with our classmates, somehow, I got on the wrong line without thinking, at that very moment in time, my life was sent on a different track of low expectations. Unknown to me and my parents, the New York Public school system were in the practice of and engaging in what later became known as ‘tracking’. The perceived ‘smart’ kids were lumped together in classes, while the ‘less-smart’ were too. I remember when asked what I wanted to do in life, I answered the question in what I thought of my life’s work at the time, I expressed it, was then asked if I could sing or dance, it had been perceived that I should become an entertainer, not a scientist or any occupation that required ‘smarts’, now I realized I had been labeled, tracked into a life of low expectations, on a direct road to low wages and perhaps even poverty.


The President of the United States is a temporary employee, as is the entire appointed cabinet, temporary employees for four or eight years. Government is run by the ‘deep state’, of government employees several layers deep at each government agency. If by chance The President is removed from office, the government would still be able to fully function thanks to the deep state of the knowledgeable employed that know how to make the trains run on time, as The President may not. As each newly installed President takes office, the first few months are at best, on the job training, let us hope is a quick study, or we may find ourselves sick with a pandemic, even if so warned, and if ignored, as I said sick with a pandemic. So, what if not a quick study, then our only hope is the ability to take advise and use it to ward off evil happenings, if not as I hope not for us not to be doomed, cursed with over a hundred-thousand dying or dead…

Will the next Larry Kramer please stand up…

There is no Such Thing as ‘Truth in Appearance Journalism’

It was during the 1920s right up to some say the 1970s, thanks to the beginnings of a women’s awareness movement, after receiving high praise for their leading roles in a few local High School productions, the thought of a movie career became a strong possibility with sparkles in their eyes, so off to old Hollywood they went. Many were ‘unaware’ how some seemingly got on the fast track to stardom from a simple walk on, to bit speaking parts, to full fledging roles in a major motion picture. Unaware is the key word here, since the thought of the ‘casting couch’ never entered their small town female minds, at this point I must make it clear, there are many avenues and levels of chores that can be performed pertaining to the ‘casting couch’, can be as innocent as holding hands at a few dinner parties of an influential big shot, right down to doing the dirty, it can be a different chore to execute for each individual to perform in accordance to their own personal morals and more or less ambitions. Now here is where I step into the twenty-first century with some young up and coming female television journalists, must have realized by now there is an expiration stamp on their foreheads, their employment at the top will be limited to their youthful appearance, of course even with a degree in journalism, but the decision to dye ones hair before old, once started can be a life time endeavor can be a difficult choice, and as to just how blond streaked and greasy lipped, or male black hair dyed, to proceed in pursuant of a journalism career on televison. Not everybody has what it takes to fake up an appearance and keep it going, without it affecting their sense of truthfulness in journalism, then again some are born to the task from day one, seemingly since birth, I’m convinced the phoney are born, not made to be…

Now I return you to your favorite hair dyed television personality, not the wigged ones… But before that, its time for a true all observing media Czar to take a weekly critical view and report on the appearance of those exercising the privilege of reporting news using media, paying close attention to those hair dyed engaging in appearance exploitation, as some sort of a self-righteous tool, sometimes unevenly attached to political spin…wearing a dyed head of hair as a badge towards legitimacy of thought and actions.

There is no such thing as ‘truth in appearance journalism’ and nobody is reporting on that, because its just not ‘new news’…

“new age”

Long before the ‘Afrocentric Movement’ there was ‘appearance assimilation’, I dare not try to place a date on it since it would most likely be during extensive research determined to be incorrect, let it suffice to say that it existed before it was given a name or practiced openly in full view. The Johnson Publishing Company raked in millions of dollars pitching products promoting cures, as I like to now call them to alter appearance as an aid in appearance assimilation. If I were to try to offer a modern-day exampled occurrence, I would only have to point to every blond dye head woman as marketing evidence and success. No matter how talented one thinks of the pop idol Michael Jackson, it was toward my understanding of a very narrow pitched marketing scheme, that it was his assimilated appearance that sort of sealed the deal, paving the way to a newly general publicly universally discovered acceptance of his fame and fortune, as it did for Lena Horne types generations earlier and for so many others even today, whose assimilated appearance pose no threat but a kind of welcoming, that a darker skin toned, kinky haired person will never be able to simulate or offer. A pictorial review of Ebony Magazine from around 1945 onward, one would find only the most beautiful people, coupled with influence and assimilated beauties of their day, not much different if published currently. Now, in closing, I would be amiss if I did not mention those products of assimilation that were advertised in the pages of Ebony and Jet Magazine’s, and they were skin bleachers and hair straighteners, prime products of assimilation.

Knock-Knock, that’s Wendy Williams, let her in…she’s one of them you know…

“Old Wine, New Bottle”

I take no pleasure in pointing out that for women to enter into employment in the business office on an equal footing with men, first had to show a little ankle, then along came The Civil Rights Act of 1964, and thanks to in large part for the continued efforts of the international women’s movement is no longer the case or a requirement. But a new ‘blond’ sexism has entered into the lexicon is thriving in the guise of hair dye and greasy lipstick as witnessed and practiced on the faces of women engaging in televised news, is remaining as one of those current topics unmentionables except when this blogger is blogging about it, or so it seems…Forgive me if I occasionally drift off topic from time to time…I loss any sense of discipline when I became lost in my perceived notion of righteousness when trying to correct longtime cultural ways of thinking and gender roles in our lives……Breaking News…bald heads are not just a ‘male thing’, blond hair ‘is rare’, except on American television…more so than in all of Scandinavia, now take those perceptions to any bank demanding cash…or at the very least, credit…

Say When

Every time I try to insert an urgent topic into a sites dissertation, I’m often criticized for being off-topic, which begs this question; when is it appropriate to shout fire in a crowded theater, at the middle or toward the end of a movie? what difference does it make as long as it saves lives or is opening up an urgent news topic of awareness, consciousness if you will, for discussion…and just perhaps, ‘action’…or it as some would have it expressed, is too soon for any serious consideration to clog up the passageway of communication or even prevention, or the pointing to sign posts along the way, ‘caution’…in short, continue proceeding at your own risk…

05/20/2020-On Television

When I was a boy my father would sometime come home with a newspaper that was not his daily favorite which at the time was the New York-Journal American, having been persuaded to purchase another by the screaming displayed headline that he encountered at the newsstand before taking public transport. I can’t help but wonder what news program he would be watching today daily on television, my current sense of marketing convinces me it would be one of those many with young hot looking hair dyed news teams, seemingly without any news integrity but a lot of Hollywood pageantry.

Confirmed Journalism

Based on a few true stories…
Its was during the heyday of televised news in what was then a male dominated industry, a veteran broadcaster who has been earning his chops from day one commonly referred to as the stone age in electronic communications, was called into the stately office of station management, that hence forth, he will be sharing the anchor’s desk with a female, any expressed opposition would be fruitless. Publicly displayed resistance of rebellion on his part would not be tolerated, if exhibited may cost him his current employment and banishment completely from the industry. Rumors had been in circulation of the hiring of a five member staff of hair stylists and make-up artists, when he heard it, voiced that he did not need any Hollywood fluff to practice his brand of hardnose truthy journalism, it had to be explained they were not for him but for the new female anchor. He was shocked that as lasted to this very day at the first on set camera setup of him with his new broadcast ward, as she appeared, streaked blond dyed, smoky-eyed, rosy cheeked, with big red clownish greasy lips, with him thinking, the only missing made-up element on her face that day was a big red nose. It can now be claimed that televised journalism took a back seat to what we now call, ‘appearance journalism’ were the look of the news reporters became just as or more important than the stories being reported, few would remember the story if the newscaster were not glamorized as presenter, the next day he was to report to the hair stylist to have a suitable dyed hair shade to match his complexion and the color scheme of his female anchor, ‘show business’ has now become the ‘prime directive’ of every newscast on television, and if by chance true journalism happens, viewers stand to be awarded too along with the network and stations coffers.
All the above has led us to a seventy something year old blond puffed hair dyed, with self-applied tinted skinned, American President, as the new normal in ‘appearance politics’, there has never been more of the hair dyed in Congress than ever before, not since the days of the powdered wig and silk stockings, breeches with waistcoat, as the gentlemanly fashion of the day…