When I heard that the New York Police Department was disbanding its plainclothes unit, I remember a story from years back. These undercover cops in order to recognize each other, ‘a color of the day’ was to be warned when on duty so that when the uniforms arrived at a crime scene the good guys can safely be identified. Well I know of no system that is foolproof involving humans. When a squad of uniforms did arrive at a particular crime scene they immediately opened fired on someone they perceived was the bad guy, it seemed the color of the day was ignored, when a prejudicial color took control of the situation, ending in the death of a police plainclothesmen…

“Here’s To State of Mississippi”

Here’s to the State of Mississippi
Phil Ochs
Here’s to the state of Mississippi,
For Underheath her borders, the devil draws no lines,
If you drag her muddy river, nameless bodies you will find.
whoa the fat trees of the forest have hid a thousand crimes,
the calender is lyin’ when it reads the present time.
Whoa here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of,
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of!
And here’s to the people of Mississippi
Who say the folks up north, they just don’t understand
And they tremble in their shadows at the thunder of the Klan
The sweating of their souls can’t wash the blood from off their hands
They smile and shrug their shoulders at the murder of a man
Oh, here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of
And here’s to the schools of Mississippi
Where they’re teaching all the children that they don’t have to care
All the rudiments of hatred are present everywhere
And every single classroom is a factory of despair
There’s nobody learning such a foreign word as fair
Oh, here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of
And here’s to the cops of Mississippi
They’re chewing their tobacco as they lock the prison door
Their bellies bounce inside them when they knock you to the floor
No they don’t like taking prisoners in their private little war
Behind their broken badges there are murderers and more
Oh, here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of
And, here’s to the judges of Mississippi
Who wear the robe of honor as they crawl into the court
They’re guarding all the bastions of their phony legal fort
Oh, justice is a stranger when the prisoners report
When the black man stands accused the trial is always short
Oh, here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of
And here’s to the government of Mississippi
In the swamp of their bureaucracy they’re always bogging down
And criminals are posing as the mayors of the towns
And they hope that no one sees the sights and no one hears the sounds
And the speeches of the governor are the ravings of a clown
Oh, here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of
And here’s to the laws of Mississippi
Congressmen will gather in a circus of delay
While the Constitution is drowning in an ocean of decay
Unwed mothers should be sterilized, I’ve even heard them say
Yes, corruption can be classic in the Mississippi way
Oh, here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of
And here’s to the churches of Mississippi
Where the cross, once made of silver, now is caked with rust
And the Sunday morning sermons pander to their lust
The fallen face of Jesus is choking in the dust
Heaven only knows in which God they can trust
Oh, here’s to the land you’ve torn out the heart of
Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Phil Ochs
Here’s to the State of Mississippi lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

“Teach Me Tonight”

Most of us have seen that clip of those two toddlers running toward each other to embrace in loving friendship before being taught otherwise. Below please find a encore posting…
I spent my elementary school years at good old Public School 23 in The Bronx, nicknamed Woodstock, where I met and became good business buddies with three girls starting when we were all in kindergarten that continued on throughout our stay even when assigned to separate upper classes. It was at the height of urban renewal when the city fathers decided to tear down the houses directly across the street from the school, the workers after having eaten their lunch would leave their soda bottles behind, those empties at the time was worth two cents each as a return, so we would gather them daily, take them to Jimmy’s Candy Store, cash them in buy as much penny candy as we could, then would resell them to the other kids, this went on for as long as the workers continued tearing down those buildings. One day we arrived late after our lunch hour, there waiting for us was a relative of one of the girls to take her home early because of a family emergency, the following week, when she returned to school, she did not speak to any of us in her usual friendly tones, it was some days later that we would learned why, it seems her relative saw who her school chums were, whom she chose to hang with and did not approve. Fast forward to High School, in most school cafeterias students segregate themselves according to, who knows, the jocks sit together, the gays sit together, the heavy-set girls, the short students, all sit together, etc., its one thing for the students to segregate among themselves along the lines of personal interests, its quite another kettle of fish to have been influenced by family and friends along ethnic lines of purity, like the songs says, “you’ve got to be carefully taught”…

Squawk on the Street

CNBC’s co-anchor Carl Quintanillia of Squawk on the Street has been pulling anchoring duties since December 2005, in all that time seemingly growing up before our very eyes has never appeared on camera with one hair of gray. Carl’s partner in crime and co-anchor is David Faber, on one of his anniversary shows they showed a clip of his very first day on the program, upon a remarkably close examination one could clearly see no difference in his appearance since then to now, I’m thinking January 2007. Then there’s Jim Cramer the elder of the three, who’s facial hairs has frequently had to be darken as a ‘must do’ upkeeping maintance chore in keeping with current CNBC’s appearance broadcast standards.

Squawk on the Street

CNBC’s co-anchor Carl Quintanillia of Squawk on the Street has been pulling anchoring duties since December 2005, in all that time seemingly growing up before our very eyes has never appeared on camera with one hair of gray. Carl’s partner in crime and co-anchor is David Faber, on one of his anniversary shows they showed a clip of his very first day on the program, upon a remarkably close examination one could clearly see no difference in his appearance since then to now, I’m thinking January 2007. Then there’s Jim Cramer the elder of the three, who’s facial hairs has frequently had to be darken as a ‘must do’ upkeeping maintance chore in keeping with current CNBC’s appearance broadcast standards.

Squawk on the Street

CNBC’s co-anchor Carl Quintanillia of Squawk on the Street has been pulling anchoring duties since December 2005, in all that time seemingly growing up before our very eyes has never appeared on camera with one hair of gray. Carl’s partner in crime and co-anchor is David Faber, on one of his anniversary shows they showed a clip of his very first day on the program, upon a remarkably close examination one could clearly see no difference in his appearance since then to now, I’m thinking January 2007. Then there’s Jim Cramer the elder of the three, who’s facial hairs has frequently had to be darken as a ‘must do’ upkeeping maintance chore in keeping with current CNBC’s appearance broadcast standards.

On Television-06292020

I never thought I would ever be so offended by the combined hair and make-up scheme of a news team to pin the following observation, this team regularly appears on WCBS-TV, she is 51 and he is 50years old, I guess I could name them but I won’t, I hope for you to research them after which you too will know them upon completion. Yesterday on one of the Sunday morning political chat shows, the 80year old Speaker of the House of Representatives, clown faced in make-up and dyed hair, her appearance scheme was just as offensive, to say the least. All the above is to be expected since the influence of the national leader dares at 74years of age seemingly sets the pace for bad taste in air blown blond hair dye and facial make-up, leaves many not so surprised by the masquerades and indignities of some in public office and those practicing journalism on televison, like some infectious epidemic diseased plague spreading throughout the United States on everyone’s face and hair, after each appearance, posing into deep questioning their remarks along with their sanity, totally forgetting what they said and their perceived meaning, if one can then erase their appearance from their memory banks, like the unpleasant taste of a castor oil so much for the better…for future thought and mind…and their wherewithal…for the rest of their natural lives here on earth…

On Television-06292020

I never thought I would ever be so offended by the combined hair and make-up scheme of a news team to pin the following observation, this team regularly appears on WCBS-TV, she is 51 and he is 50years old, I guess I could name them but I won’t, I hope for you to research them after which you too will know them upon completion. Yesterday on one of the Sunday morning political chat shows, the 80year old Speaker of the House of Representatives, clown faced in make-up and dyed hair, her appearance scheme was just as offensive, to say the least. All the above is to be expected since the influence of the national leader dares at 74years of age seemingly sets the pace for bad taste in air blown blond hair dye and facial make-up, leaves many not so surprised by the masquerades and indignities of some in public office and those practicing journalism on televison, like some infectious epidemic diseased plague spreading throughout the United States on everyone’s face and hair, after each appearance, posing into deep questioning their remarks along with their sanity, totally forgetting what they said and their perceived meaning, if one can then erase their appearance from their memory banks, like the unpleasant taste of a castor oil so much for the better…for future thought and mind…and their wherewithal…for the rest of their natural lives here on earth…

“Unescorted Women Will Not Be Allowed In Hotel Lobbies”

Yesterday I watched in tears throughout, the rebroadcast of CNN’s documentary series 1968: The Year That Changed America, only it didn’t, really. Women still wear long false eyelashes, high heels, and bras, still dye their hair in all sort of exotic colors, some not found in any displayed rainbow. During the 1968 Miss America contest, there was a ‘freedom trash can’, women were encouraged to, “use their brains, not their bodies”, to throw in women’s symbols of depression, those things that are ‘a must for a woman’ and not for a man, use your imagination. Anyway, all it did was prepare us for the now all too standard look of the hair dyed women that will be parading before television cameras on the Sunday morning political chat shows, as the political and journalistic women try to outdo each other with greasy lipped clownish appearances in fakery, only without generating any outward laughs, laughs that still can be heard silently behind their backs…no big red plastic noses are expected, thank you very much…

And before I forget, a segment of the female population that will never be able to find employment because of the way they look, who are they? the overweight, kinky haired, very dark skinned…the message has been sent and received since childhood, no matter how much intelligence they managed to display since birth…

“Not During This Lifetime”

Well, well, wouldn’t you know it, with demonstrations ripe all around the world taking issue with the lack of minorities in media, on every newscast a panel discussion stating there never have been so many employed in front of the camera than ever before, about those numbers behind the camera, that will depend on who is doing the telling or counting, is for another day for that discussion. So today, we can clearly see, those in front of the camera always must be on the lighter side of a brown paper bag, that is by design, just like there is an overabundance of the blond dye headed, there could be if so desired, an overabundance of dark skinned performers too, or at least minimally, but are mostly none, or at least one or two, maybe? yeah, right, not during this lifetime…