Aging Gracefully, But Not On TV

Is it a human trait, it seems so, the older we get the more effort is put into fakery and denial? Especially for women, but it has to be noted, men are not immune from this travesty. While watching TV, where most of these things live and make their living, keep two truth revealing tools available, Wikipedia, for age facts and Google image search to see if they have tried to pull off their deceit over the years. There has never been so many hair dyed oddities walking around claiming, a faked-up appearance in the history of the world, not since sliced bread, or factory rolled cigarettes. Guys, you not only look odd, but you also ain’t fooling nobody, and are starting to look weirder than ever before, however, just keep carrying on, just like we cannot see you.

TV Boosting

TV viewers are already watching your newscast because of the quality of your journalism. Now that TV news has become big business, adding blond dye headed women with red glossy lips and long false eyelashes, should boost up the ratings, if not you may want to add grass skirted dancing girls in a little box in a corner of the screen.

Believe You Me

Ever hear of the excuse for bad behavior, ‘they didn’t know any better.’ During American slavery it was against the law to teach a slave to read, because with knowledge they would soon know better. There seems to be a new movement to keep some children to live with ignorance, by banning certain books. Without the knowledge enclosed in some of its pages, it would be easier to mislead some in adulthood to believe in a falsehood, which can be heard every day on some talk radio broadcasts, without the necessary knowledgeable tools which will be needed to challenge the misinformation currently being heard.

In The Marketplace

Long time readers of this blog have come to expect the broken record effect of repetition. After spending just another 24hours of TV watching, the confirmation of appearance marketing strikes another blow at, or in perception. The most effective way to get a point of view across is to appear under the cloud of fakery with hair dyes, no matter if good, popular, or detrimental to health, the spokesperson must cut a pleasing appearance, as in TV journalism and political punditry. There is nothing a young-looking personal influencer cannot convince one to buy or try, week after week. And if you are still not convinced, there is this broken-down bridge in Brooklyn, I understand is up for sale, again. In closing, I invite you to take a closer look at any corporate spokesperson, to note if their hair is dyed or not, are you willing to now buy and invest in their corporate bonds. It has always been good for you looking so well, even if a little faked.

Fix Me-Up, Scotty

Yesterday I conducted a rudimentary quick look see of on-line internet influencers, all were young, no surprise there, what was shocking, none were gray haired, it was as if to appear with gray hair would have diminished their influence. Which has led this blogger to conclude the reasoning behind the ever-decreasingly number of people on TV newscasts as journalists as well as those engaging in punditry and commentary. The wisdom of those with gray hair, confirming experiences, have been there, done that, a long life led, counts for nothing, we are living in an age of the young looking know nothings. Remember with as the saying went, trust nobody over thirty, seems it rings true today, expanded to those now looking over forty. So, if you are one of those old looking fuddy duddies, your days have been numbered, unless your appearance can be fixed.