A Taxing Development

The question before news and information consuming Americans,  how do they want it served up, on a silver platter or on a paper plate. How do they want to receive the liquid nourishment of knowledge, in a golden chalice or in a tin cup. From hair dyed journalists with women in grotesque facial make up, that don’t add to truth and integrity in their reporting, just more fluff than can be humanly consumed is not a good thing, a little like fat on brain muscles that will soon take its toll…      

Environment vs. Profits

What if two American chemical companies manufactured a product used to fight the American War in Vietnam, the manufacture of these products employed thousands of Americans and produced immense profits for the companies. No one would fault them if they displayed their disgust against a bunch of anti-war demonstrators outside their corporate doors. The continuance of this war was good for their bottom line, and also for the American economy. Its only now, after all these years later, that that continuance was not only bad for America but bad for the environment and the health of the people of south-east Asia. In America, when put to a test of profits over all other considerations, profits will win out every time, just try to ban single use plastic bags if that ban will cease profits and end jobs.

How Much Fakery Can Anyone Consume?

As an observational blogger, means I have to wade through a lot of televised material, so I have adopted a helpful policy to aid toward that end. If I find a talking head on ‘him’ too hair dyed, ‘she’ too heavily made up, I will fast forward past them. Meaning if the validity of their comments were worthy enough for serious  consideration it would be able to stand on its own merits without the unnecessary faked appearance enhancements. If you should ask me if I saw so and so on the telly, if they are known for a faked-up appearance, the answer will probably be no.

A Comfort To Some

The first woman of color to run New York City public schools, her appearance will not disappoint, will not come with a cultural shock, her dyed hair will serve as a comfort to the new female conformity. Did she ever practice journalism on television?

Returning To Health

I have my favorite female porn stars; I’ve come to the realization that none of them employ as much hair dye and facial make up as the women that practice journalism on television. Kinda has me wondering just who is setting the appearance standards for women practicing journalism and why they are made up to look the way they do… It may be years before the profession will be able to recover, I mean journalism, of course…

A Proven Formula

I started watching a new television series, no matter if cable, most of the male actors are hair dyed, some only slightly bald, no gray hair, a lot of blond dye headed women, the women of color are straight haired, nonkinky, even some in straight haired wigs, a spattering of African American males, none darker than a brown paper bag. After a while, a pattern begins to merge, that ladies and gentlemen is the winning formula for a successful television series, will be repeated for the foreseeable seasons everywhere on television. Since it’s a proven winning formula, one can expect to see it repeated in the casting of news and information programing, except on 60 Minutes, they think they are immune, they are not, will succumb. I heard it often mentioned, there is nothing new under the guise of television parlance, and it’s true, so evidentially true. And oh, one last thing, Asian Americans are beginning to become more common, not just in crowd scenes, other wise will continue to be absent in major roles, unless it’s their ethnicity that calls for them as part of the plot. 

How To Sell A Book On Television

A book has been written, we know a book is a collection of words, the author goes on tour pitching it, the publishers urge the author to dye her hair, she complies, has even greased up her lips attached blond breaded hair extensions, did anyone buy her book because of her faked-up appearance? the words on the pages of the book has not been enhanced one bit, and yet this marketing farce continues, engineered to promote sales on every book tour.  

We Give Up

After two world wars, so why haven’t we had another, someone suggested, it’s because of nuclear weapons, it would be just too risky, so what we are getting are a lot of small guerrilla type wars that can go on and on for years without any resolution, no winners just losers. 

Shine It Over Here

The only reason I can think of for watching a televised news program that feature a lot of women, is to take a crash course in clownish trashy hair dyes and make up, (New Jersey Spotlight News), which has this blogger wondering, is this some mysterious marketing scheme I’m not aware of, do viewers like the look of these women? Or since they are there it must be the way of the world and so with that, acceptance. 


Today I was at a vaccine distribution center geared toward senior citizens, without giving it much thought at first, it appeared most of them were hair dyed, an acute normal observation for me since I pay attention to such things for my blog. Where did this cover up of appearing elderly come from? why, television. If there is any selling to be done on television, the pitcher must appear young. Being young is the gold standard, on television and by extension, those in the practice of journalism, and punditry, one need look no further than the ladies of The View. It would seem that I love to pick on these ladies, and it’s true, it’s just that they are so phony, right down to their youthful displayed captured hair dyes and make-up, the oldest of them is 78years-old, now tell me that is not telling?