“gods & profit”

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”, and so for the ‘capitalist’ that god is ‘profit’, taken to the extreme, the manufacturing of plastics, of opioids, the mining of fossil fuels, the farming of tobacco, vaping, husbandry of some livestock like cattle, and whatever else that can be bundled together that has proven to be harmful to humans if used as intended. ABC’s Nightline did a brief profile of the new Mark Ruffalo film, Dark Waters, “About a corporate defense attorney that’s takes on an environmental lawsuit against a giant chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution”, that reminded me of the many workers employed in a perfume factory around the corner from the apartment house where I grew up, I would later learn many had died from many forms of cancer, a dry cleaning store a block away used harsh chemicals cleaned and pressed clothes on site, beauty parlor workers that died from the process of hot combed hair, breathing the fumes from the pressed straightening grease, even the daily breathing in the canned aerosol spray deodorant can kill or alter health in the long run, not to be left out sprayed-on oven cleaners, so what else comes to mind, whatever they are have already killed you or are in the process.
If it should be discovered that toxic formulated hair dye that had seeped into the brain from the scalp is now harmful, millions would have to die before its profit earning manufacturing and use would be seriously curtailed, politicians and televison journalists are expected would have among the highest of casualties .

Morning News Programing

The use of women as bate to spur an enterprise is not something new under the sun, in the old west it was not the intellect of the local ‘school mom’ that drove men into the saloons, it was drinking and gambling, and just perhaps, scantily clad dance hall girls. It was the Playboy Bunny that industrialized the ‘dance hall girl’ in these modern times. Let us not forget bikini wearing ‘car wash girls’, and the American branded ‘Hooters’, all of which dared to serve to drive patrons. On quick and not so deep scan of early morning news programing in the New York area, it’s the young mostly blond dye head female journalists that are keeping the faith as bate toward keeping and increasing viewership’s, and just perhaps, their journalism plays a small part in the marketing equation too.

News as Presentation

Once upon a time televised news was, well, the news, then someone decided, what if they could modify the reporting of the news, altering would be too extreme, but could just put a little extra spin, slant, if you will, on certain stories without it being too noticeable, market it as product, as the advertising cash would come rolling in. But seemingly that was not enough, greed being what it is, has led to the glamorization of the news anchors, female blond hair dyed was fine at its start, that only led to hair streaking, greasy lips, and the elimination of gray haired males with only a hint of gray, the ‘old male young female’ news team was born, that too had its day, that led to today’s news team of just plain old fashioned Hollywood types, not only employing a lot of hair dye but synthetic hair too. And that is news as a presentation not as journalism…

Then and Now

About ten years ago, there was a dramatic and obvious difference in the appearance of the aging male and female journalist as they presented themselves on televison reporting the news. Let me explain what I mean, then, the male was allowed and expected to age in place till retirement, both gray haired and balding, which ever came first, no matter. These days the female televison journalist is not expected to age in place, but to maintain the appearance of when she first applied to appear as journalist on television, which has grown to include a lot of hair dye and who knows what ever kinds of physical enhancements, applied in or outside a doctor’s office. Today’s aging male journalist is expected to appear as young and vivacious as he once did fresh out of university too, leading to his own bag of tricks of physical enhancements, now there lies the fraudulency, calling his journalism into question, as an appearance facade or is it true journalism without any doubt, or is he just playing in the game, counting the passing years, in order to stay employed.

Conclusion, we humans do age, should be allowed to explore it, is grossly unhealthy not to show it, a circumspection that is totally unnecessary…leading only to disappointment and unfulfilling measures till death becomes us…And oh yes, the cake is still in the oven, there are no bald headed women broadcasting news programing as are men, and few gray headed women either, much distance has been traveled on this long road, but we believing in true equality, culturally are just not there yet, are very-much still living in the dark ages…